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Who we are

This is the situation that we face. Many of our customers, mostly large and mid-sized firms, often operating internationally, have indicated to us that they need to review the way they collect customer information. They are dissatisfied with their present surveys for many reasons. Response rates go down. Customers show irritation because of the amount of questions that they get from every possible firm, hotel, website, retailer etc. And, besides, positive or negative movements in customer satisfaction scores do not seem to have any relation with turnover or profit at all! Moreover, customer experience, as is typically measured by satisfaction surveys, does not seem the rational basis for investment decisions ... but what does this leave us to work with?


Customer satisfaction scores, to put it bluntly, very often do not tell you a lot. Stand alone exclamations, like “Our customers clearly appreciate us, we have a 7.5 score again!” convey no true meaning and have no equivalence with anything other than your previous score. Is 7.5 high or is it low? Why has it not changed since last year? Which score is good, which is excellent, which is bad? In this context, on what basis would you want a say 15 percent higher score next year? Does that kind of assignment to your management make sense?


We developed, on the basis of extensive recent research, especially in the US and in Belgium, a survey method that relates company performances to competition, to your competitors, rather than to you yourself in the past year. The relative position that a company takes, that is: the position that it has compared to competitors, in satisfaction and rank, turns out to explain actual behaviour of customer much better than customer satisfaction surveys do.


So we started COMPARABLE. Contact us!


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